Xi măng gắn tạm không chứa Eugenol
Description (MÔ TẢ)
OraTemp NE is a non eugenol temporary cement which permits placement and retention under function of permanent crowns, bridges, splints and their temporary counterparts. OraTemp NE is insoluble in oral fluids and retains a tight marginal seal to prevent leakage of these fluids under the restorations.
Indications (CHỈ ĐỊNH)
* Cementation of crowns, bridges and splints.
* Retentions of temporary crowns and bridges.
* Trial cementation of permanent restorations prior to final insertion.
Product benefits (CÔNG DỤNG)
* Excellent physical properties.
* Easy to mix- easy to clean.
* Low solubility in oral fluids.
* Increased patient comfort.